Meet the SILO Team: Jaime Ciccarelli
/If you've ever been to a Music and Marys at the distillery -- you can thank Jaime because she books the music AND whips up quite the Bloody Mar bar.
Jaime Ciccarelli
What’s your role at SILO and how long have you been a part of the team?
I work the tasting room at the distillery and I’ve been with the team for about 4 1/2 years!
Looking back (almost 5 years!!) what would you say is your favorite part of the job?
I love meeting people from all over and educating them about our product and how it's actually local. From the barrels, to our ingredients and the bottling -- it's all done in Vermont.
When folks comes in to the distillery and ask for a cocktail suggestion — what are your recommendations?
I tend to favor the Lavender and the Cucumber vodka especially this time of year. The SILO Citrus and Lavender Lemon are classics.
Lavender Lemon Cocktail
You've got the day off, what are you doing?
Definitely spending time with some friends and family outside in the sun. I'm always happy to find some water or mountains, whatever the weather allows.
Any exciting events in the works at the distillery?
We are in the process of planning a big Fall party on the patio! Also - my focus is getting some more fun music in for Music and Marys which we host on Sundays. Coming up this week (July 15th) we have Strangled Darlings - hope to see you there!
Say hi to Jaime at the distillery! The distillery is open Sunday - Thursday (11-6) & Friday - Saturday (11-7)